Fish Fabrication
Hi...I'm a fish
First day identifications
That would be a halibut
That's your cod family
Some "happy" flounder
Even happier squid
Now the squid are not so happy
Eric and the squid
The "fish family" I found in the squid box
Kelley and "Bob"
Most of our fabrication for the evening...doesn't show the squid
Tile Fish
Be-headed flounder
Alicia be-heading flounder
Kelley making an ice-run
This is a wolf fish
Cute...isn't it?
Just can't stop taking pictures of it
It's also now called the "Kelley fish" because she couldn't stand to look at it so Chef chased her around with it
Actually, it's quite delicious and the cheecks are especially tender
Our fabrication for the doesn't show the squid
Kelley and I did the cod
It only took four days...but John Jersey finally produced a good salmon filet
Kelley and cod
Doc and cod
My "prizes" from the squid boxes. The sand dollar is named Hubert...after Chef Martini. and the Starfish is Gerald.
Fish Jeopardy
That's a female lobster
Scallop shells
Mother of pearl
Kelley is forced to fabricate the Wolf (Kelley) Fish
Alicia taking the bones out of a rainbow trout
Oysters for our tasting
Cleaning up
Ted likes oysters
This was David's first oyster
"it was a brave man, who first ate an oyster..." Atsa good line
Mac....she "donta" eat the oyster
The "ID" test
Chef sedates the lobster before killing it
The whole blue bucket was full of "unhappy" fish
Jersey masters salmon
Soft Shell Crab
Our "tastings" for the evening